We are gaining more and more stress.
The design of the car need to be changed – as to make sure it fulfills the new rules and regulations that will be used this year. Design, analyze and back to design again. That is what our design engineer had been doing. At last, a new car had been designed and yes – that is what our car will be. With the help of the graphic designer, the manufacturing engineer and the resource manager, we manage to create the car. No doubt , when we do things together, anything is possible. As Michael Jordan says “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”.
Seeking sponsorships and fund raising is not easy. Our resource manager tries really hard to ask for sponsorship from our targeted companies. After one call, she makes another call. And then, send emails and fax letters. There are so many challenges when communicating and dealing with people. But yes, no pain no gain , right?
Designing websites, corporate shirt, our merchandise and booth is an another issue. Our graphic designer’s laptop is fully occupied with the designs. Black, pink and white. What a good blend of colours, for us. Creating an identity for the team is the graphic designer main task. It is not easy, but is not possible.
Searching for the right tyre for the car is very challenging. If we have great car but a bad tyre and vice versa, it is not a good combination but a disaster. Ball bearing, axle, sanding and etc. So many things to do but once they are done, we have a complete and perfect car.
We never let anyone in the team do their task alone, we do the task together. That’s why we are a team.
Because when we are in team, everything is possible.